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Sedation Instructions

Before Treatment

Eating and Drinking

It is essential these fasting rules are adhered to, or your sedation will be cancelled. 


You must not eat any food for 8 hours prior to your appointment. The one exception is you may have an optional light snack 6 hours prior to the start of your appointment time. You may choose from EITHER: a) 2 pieces of toast with jam only OR b) 1 small piece of fruit and 1 small muffin.


Continue to drink clear fluids up until 2 hours prior to your appointment time. Clear fluids include water, clear juices with no pulp (eg: apple, cranberry, grape juice), popsicles, ginger ale, Jell-O, black coffee. Absolutely NO milk or creamer. Do not consume grapefruit or grapefruit juice in the 24 hours prior to your appointment.



Unless you are told otherwise, any medicine that you take by mouth may be taken up to 1 hour before the appointment with a sip of water. When you arrive, tell the dental staff about all the medicines, drugs, or alcohol you have taken in the past 24 hours. Do not take any sedatives (including alcohol) or stimulants (including caffeine, nicotine, or narcotics) for 24 hours before the appointment.


**Diabetic patients: on the day of the procedure, do NOT take oral hypoglycemic pills (ie: Metformin). Your blood sugar will be checked prior to the start of the procedure.


Clothing, Makeup 

Wear dark coloured, short-sleeved, loose-fitting clothes, as little makeup as possible, and remove all nail polish. Leave all valuable jewelry at home.



Make sure to use the washroom before we begin the procedure. 


Change in Health 

Any change in your health is very important. Let us know:

  • If you develop any allergy, cold, or fever problems 

  • Of any actual or potential pregnancy

  • Of any recent surgeries on the ear or nose, any respiratory condition, psychiatric or cognitive disorder 


For your own safety, call and discuss any questions with your doctor and the dental clinic prior to your appointment.

After Treatment


You may feel dizzy for several hours following the procedure and should be supervised if walking. Do not plan any activities for the next 24 hours. This includes no driving or operating heavy machinery. Do not plan to return to work or school, or care for children on your own. Drowsiness can be increased by the use of alcohol or other drugs.



A responsible adult must be prepared to accompany you home following discharge or your appointment will be cancelled. We recommend a responsible adult stay with you for the rest of the day and evening. Note: You may need to stay at the clinic for up to 2 hours after the procedure. You must plan to leave the dental clinic in a car, taxi, or Uber with a responsible adult in your company. You will not be able to walk home or take the bus.


Eating and Drinking 

Maintaining hydration is very important following your procedure. Following treatment, drink clear fluids as tolerated (water, juice, Gatorade, electrolyte drinks). Small frequent drinks are preferable to large amounts. Soft, bland food (not too hot) may be eaten when desired. If vomiting occurs, discontinue all food and water for two hours and then begin again with small amounts of clear fluids. Do not take stimulants (including coffee, nicotine, narcotics) for 12 hours, and do not drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours. Regular medication can be resumed as scheduled unless otherwise instructed.


Common After Effects

Fever, sleepiness, dizziness, nausea, soreness of mouth and jaws, phlebitis, and dry mouth are all possible side effects following procedures involving conscious sedation.


Phlebitis is a raised, tender, hardened inflammatory response at the intravenous site, if used. This is rare, and usually resolves with the application of a warm towel and anti-inflammatory medication. However, this may be present for up to a year.


Additional Considerations Following IV Conscious Sedation

You must not drive a vehicle, operate hazardous machinery, take public transport, make important decisions, or consume alcohol for a minimum of 24 hours following sedation, or longer if dizziness or drowsiness persists. 


Please inform the dental clinic if within 10 days following your appointment, you are transferred to or admitted to the hospital for any reason, or if you require any emergency dental treatment with another provider.


If you have any questions or concerns or need to reschedule your appointment, please call the dental clinic at 403-300-3330. At your appointment, you will be provided with Dr. Olsen's personal cell phone number to contact after hours. Call 911 if you have trouble breathing.


Go to your closest emergency department if: 

  • Vomiting persists for more than 4 hours or 

  • Fever lasts for more than 24 hours or your temperature is greater than 38°C (101°F) and cannot be relieved with acetaminophen (Tylenol)

  • You are having trouble swallowing

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